UMass Amherst
Central Campus Core Utility
BOND Building Construction
Hoyle Tanner & Associates, Inc.
Project Description
Studies showed that the existing waterproofing on the underground deck of UMass Amherst’s Lincoln Campus Center Plaza had reached the end of its useful life resulting in leaks in occupied areas. Because of this, the UMass Building Authority hired LeftField to manage the replacement of waterproofing coupled with the re-establishment of the historic Ellis Way as a campus pedestrian promenade resulting in a seamless connector to the central campus core.
The Ellis Way scope included the main pedestrian promenade, walkways, hardscape and landscape with a programmatic need to include the ADA access in the center of the campus with these improvements.
The Utility Infrastructure scope included the rehabilitation and replacement of steam (both direct buried and in proposed tunnels/chase way), electric and tel/data duct banks, domestic and fire protection water, storm drainage, sanitary sewer, and other miscellaneous site utilities. Waterproofing and upgrades to the east-west steam tunnel were also made part of the project scope.